"Vendetta" S2E09 Review - A Warehouse 13 Fancast AA21

Artie's Attic is a Warehouse 13 Fancast

Warehouse 13 Lead Agent Shannon spreads the Myka and HG fanfic love to everyone, Agent Carolyn once again is fascinated by Artie's Mary Poppins bag, and Regent Jake makes his grand entrance along with a major Warehouse 13 character while Janitor SP ponders how Agent Artie turns out a lot like Indiana Jones. The Agents review and rewatch the Warehouse 13 episode S2E09 "Vendetta." The Agents enjoy the character development, more Bering And Wells, Claudia and Todd, Regent Kosan, run down the Artifacts seen and used, discover the history shown in the episode, and bid farewell to Agent Dickenson.

We also receive some fantastic feedback from listener Noelani

Thank you so much for listening to our coverage of Warehouse 13. Artie's Attic: A Warehouse 13 Fancast will release Thursday nights most weeks.

Stay tuned for a bonus audio clip or two at the end of the episode.

Email: [email protected] X: https://www.x.com/syfygurl X: https://www.x.com/ocean363

Best place to find SP: http://www.GonnaGeek.com/discord

All music and sound effect used on this episode were purchased on http://www.pond5.com

Find more Artie's Attic content and other shows on the Lone Wolf Podcasts network at: http://www.lonewolfpodcasts.com


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